Right in the heart of Aquarius Sun, we have a Moon in Capricorn, Moon sextile Neptune, Sun square Uranus, Moon conjunction Mercury and Moon conjunction Pluto.  That’s a whole bunch of conflict right there, so whoever gets through this week unscathed may consider themselves to be a real winner. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Week Starting January 31 - February 6, 2022 For the winners of the week, we can expect some very clear-headed decisions to be made. Moon in Capricorn kicks in by letting us feel confident about our choices while preparing for the future.  This transit, above all others, will be our guiding light during the week, and because of Capricorn’s pragmatic nature, we will be able to parlay that pragmatism into rational wisdom. What makes this week a great one for some of the signs here revolves around the idea of completion and focus.  It’s been a while since we’ve felt this clear and strong, and it’s a great week to take that confidence and make it into something that lasts.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have a Great Week Starting January 31, 2022:


(July 23 - August 22) In general, you approach every week as if it’s going to be a great one, and no matter what you end up with, you usually feel gratitude for just being alive.  This week, however, will deliver to you an actual great time, as you’ll be able to focus completely on something you’ve wanted to pay attention to for a while now but hadn’t had the time to devote to it.  Whether it’s a community-driven event or a theatrical endeavor, you’ll be pouring your time and energy into this, and the experience of this energy flow will be both gratifying and enlightening.  This is the week you’ve been waiting for, and if you grab the opportunities presented to you, you can make this great week last for many more weeks to come. RELATED: 6 Grateful Zodiac Signs Who Appreciate The Little Things In Life


(September 23 - October 22) You do well during Aquarius season, mainly because you enjoy flaunting your rebel nature, which suits you and seems to inspire others during this time.  This week is going to provide you with an opportunity to shine in a way that only you can. You have a particular skill that isn’t common, and when you decide to share your abilities with others, they, in turn, feel the need to improve upon their own skills.  You are a natural leader, but you do it with quiet charm and real-time knowledge. You may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but during this week, nobody will be able to deny your natural-born talent. RELATED: The 6 Zodiac Signs That Are The MOST Rebellious


(December 22 - January 19) You’ll feel the pressure this week, and knowing you, Capricorn, you’ll take that pressure and make it work for you.  You like working under the gun, so to speak, and knowing that you have deadlines and goals to meet puts you in your element. You love to watch the faces of those around you as you turn into that accomplishment machine that everyone knows you as.  Expect to make money this week, as well. Sources seem to come out of nowhere for you, and you take advantage of every lead you get.  This week promises work and the need for high intelligence both of which are conditions that you meet with flying colors. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Put Too Much Pressure On Themselves Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.